About us
The Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (hereinafter: the Regulator) is an autonomous, independent regulatory organisation with the status of a legal entity vested with public authority for the purpose of: effectively implementing the policy defined for media service provision in the Republic of Serbia; improving the quality and diversity of electronic media services; contributing to the preservation, protection and development of freedom of opinion and expression; protecting the public interest in electronic media and protecting users of electronic media services, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Electronic Media, in a manner that is suitable for a democratic society.
The Regulator is functionally and financially independent of government bodies and organisations, media service providers and operators. For carrying out duties within its competence, the Regulator reports to the National Assembly and, for the performance of technical and administrative duties, technical services of the Regulator have been established whose basic rules of organisation and mode of operation are prescribed by the Statute.
The head office of the Regulator is in Belgrade, at 5 Trg Nikole Pašića.
The bodies of the Regulator are the Council and the President of the Council.
The Council has nine members, elected by the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia from the ranks of distinguished experts in fields relevant to carrying out duties within the Regulator’s competence. The Council’s mode of operation is set out by the Rules of Procedure of the Council.
The members of the Council of the Regulator are as follows:
Savet Regulatora čine:
Olivera Zekić Milorad Vukašinović Aleksandra Janković
President of the Council Deputy President of the Council Council member
Aleksandar Vitković Radoje Kujović Višnja Aranšelović
Council member Council member Council member
Council member
Council member
Organizational units are formed for the performance of work and work tasks of the Regulator.
Apart from organizational units there are alo positions: Spokesman, Secretary of the Council and internal auditor.
Basic organizational units are: Office of Director and the technical services of the Regulator.
The technical service of the Regulator comprises the following:
1. General Affairs Service;
2. Legal Service;
3. Service for the Monitoring and Analysis;
4. Financial Service.
The person authorised to handle requests for free access to information of public importance is Saša Simović
The Personal Data Protection Officer is Saša Simović, sasa.simovic@rem.rs
Provision of funding for the Regulator
The Regulator is funded in accordance with the Financial Plan that the Council adopts for each year. The National Assembly approves the plan and all revenue and expenditure statements of the Regulator are subject to annual audit by an independent chartered auditor. Auditor’s Reports
Revenue of the Regulator consists of the proceeds of the fee paid by media service providers for the right to provide media services.